Regardless of the type of sectors (services, industry and even agriculture, the realization of the intercourse "quality/price" requires research innovations, novelties in other words.
Take the case of the New Technologies of Information and Communication (ITC) which are evolving with time. These tools offer a great opportunity for determining the profile of users of products and services.
Information technology is a set of technologies used to process, edit and share information, more specifically digital data, notably mailing, instant messaging, SMS, MMS ...
With an estimated 1.802 billion Internet users worldwide, a recent statistic (December 2009) launched by "Internet World Stats", ICTs become an engine of electronic data interchange, telecommunications and broadcasting. The advent of the Internet and the Web mainly as a mass medium and the success of blogs, wikis and Technology Peer to Peer "provide a social dimension for ICT. The integration of ICT in economic and social is an opportunity for new developers to move towards these innovations and replace the traditional techniques by digital ones easy to collect.
Take the case of the New Technologies of Information and Communication (ITC) which are evolving with time. These tools offer a great opportunity for determining the profile of users of products and services.
Information technology is a set of technologies used to process, edit and share information, more specifically digital data, notably mailing, instant messaging, SMS, MMS ...
With an estimated 1.802 billion Internet users worldwide, a recent statistic (December 2009) launched by "Internet World Stats", ICTs become an engine of electronic data interchange, telecommunications and broadcasting. The advent of the Internet and the Web mainly as a mass medium and the success of blogs, wikis and Technology Peer to Peer "provide a social dimension for ICT. The integration of ICT in economic and social is an opportunity for new developers to move towards these innovations and replace the traditional techniques by digital ones easy to collect.
ICT with the figures
With more than 206 million websites in the world [May 2010, Net Craft], and 24.4 million online shoppers taking France [2009, FEVAD] as an example, one can speak of an impressive ICT development especially in different markets, as shows the table below :
With more than 206 million websites in the world [May 2010, Net Craft], and 24.4 million online shoppers taking France [2009, FEVAD] as an example, one can speak of an impressive ICT development especially in different markets, as shows the table below :
Market trends by sector (In billions of euros) | ||||
2004 | 2003 | 2002 | Evolution 2003-2004 | |
Telecom Equipment | 245 | 253 | 268 | - 3,2 % |
Telecom Services | 1 182 | 1 122 | 1 067 | 5,4 % |
IT Equipment | 379 | 344 | 312 | 10,2 % |
Software and IT Services | 603 | 570 | 545 | 5,8 % |
Audiovisual Services | 369 | 350 | 328 | 5,4 % |
Electronic equipment | 290 | 277 | 266 | 4,7 % |
Source : IDATE, DigiWorld 2004 |
Table 1: Evolution of markets by sector
However, such development presents a new challenge particularly important when dealing with the increase in the population using ICTs. On the other hand, countries have begun to seek findings to develop plans and projects based on the exchange of information use ICTs. The table below summarizes the ranking of countries using ICT:
Examples of countries using ICT | ||
Contry | Rank | Score |
United states | 1 | 2.02 |
Singapore | 2 | 1.89 |
Danemark | 3 | 1.80 |
France | 22 | 1.11 |
Tunisia | 36 | 0.33 |
Kuwait | 46 | 0.06 |
Russian federation | 72 | -0.39 |
Ethopia | 115 | -1.39 |
Table 2: World ranking of countries using ICT
Coalition ICT
The democratization of ICT due to the accessibility of such technologies has influenced the image of various sectors, since one has to have a computer and modem for an instant communication from anywhere in the world . To which extent is it possible then to classify ICT?
The answer to this question is simple, since the area of education and training is a fertile ground for the implementation of ICT. This land includes the following sectors:
The answer to this question is simple, since the area of education and training is a fertile ground for the implementation of ICT. This land includes the following sectors:
- Microelectronics
- Multimedia
- Telecommunications and computer networks
- IT services and software
- Electronic commerce and electronic media
- Computer hardware servers
These various sectors are linked to each other because a new language is spoken between consumers and service providers. An easy-to-understand language distances us from the jargon that might create a disconnection between a professional and a simple user.
Limitations of ICT
The ideal is almost absent in all the novelties of our lives. This is the case of NTIC, they know the advantages and the railway which gradually creates the need to popularize ICT, and there will always be obstacles to consider.
First, define the profile of a consumer calls for new marketing strategies that are commensurate with equipment greatly expanded and even where it has surpassed the material difficulties, the training of the personnel must continuously meet changing needs.
Second, profitability is unpredictable especially in the case of a new product that might be completely alien to most consumers.
But despite these limitations, ICTs are becoming all the more a tradition in some countries anticipating the others to follow. As in the field of economics, the contractor "Schumpeterian[i]", still being the issue of the hour, has the same principle for people who do not fear taking risks in order to achieve progress especially in electronic commerce.
In fewer words, the obvious message is: investing and laboring do result in both profitability and success.
Don Dali
Limitations of ICT
The ideal is almost absent in all the novelties of our lives. This is the case of NTIC, they know the advantages and the railway which gradually creates the need to popularize ICT, and there will always be obstacles to consider.
First, define the profile of a consumer calls for new marketing strategies that are commensurate with equipment greatly expanded and even where it has surpassed the material difficulties, the training of the personnel must continuously meet changing needs.
Second, profitability is unpredictable especially in the case of a new product that might be completely alien to most consumers.
But despite these limitations, ICTs are becoming all the more a tradition in some countries anticipating the others to follow. As in the field of economics, the contractor "Schumpeterian[i]", still being the issue of the hour, has the same principle for people who do not fear taking risks in order to achieve progress especially in electronic commerce.
In fewer words, the obvious message is: investing and laboring do result in both profitability and success.
Don Dali
[i] Joseph Alois Schumpeter (Triesch, Moravia, Feb. 8, 1883 - Salisbury, Connecticut, January 8, 1950) is an Austrian economist of the twentieth century, known for his theories of economic fluctuations, creative destruction and innovation. He is the author of a History of Economic Analysis, published in 1954 and is still used. It is one of the great twentieth Conservatives with Russell Kirk and Leo Strauss. Neither the current Keynesian nor in the Marxist, and although liberal, it does qualify as an economist for his unorthodox theories about the evolution of capitalism.
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